Chic Black and White Outfit + 5 habits I’m working on

What is up you guys! Welcome back to my lil corner of the internet! Today I’m sharing this chic black and white outfit and I’m talking about habits I’m working on- I know two subjects that couldn’t be more different than each other! In case you missed my last post, I talked about my goals for 2020 and all of the goals I envisioned for this year. Well, as you could tell by that post and my instastories (esp. if you have been watching my decluttering journey there), I started the year with a lot of energy! I also began my year listening to a lot of inspiring content and one specifically that resonated with me was James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I was listening to Amy Porterfield’s podcast and she had author James Clear on talking about Atomic Habits and I felt like he was talking to me so I immediately got the Audible version of his book and I have been hooked! That same day I discovered my blogger friend Kali blogged about it so I knew I was in for a good read/listen! While I’m not going to break down the book in this blog post I will say that it had me focus more on my habits rather than my goals and I wanted to share 5 habits I am working on at the moment.

chic black and white outfit, San Diego Fashion Blogger 2020, socal fashion blogger 2020, affordable chic black and white outfit, how to wear a chunky gold necklace, san diego style instagrammer

But first this Chic Black and White Outfit…

If you’re here for the affordable style ideas then you’re in luck because I feel like this outfit is simple yet chic with the gold touch from the necklace. If there is one thing I love having in my closet it is a basic versatile piece like this skirt! You previously saw this skirt in this outfit while in NYFW and I’m bringing it back today with a black and white printed blouse. This blouse is from the Who What Wear Collection at Target and may be sold out, but they always have fun printed blouses each season and I have included a few options below too, like this one and this one. I paired it all with my pointed sock booties that I can’t stop wearing, they literally make every look so much modern! You can see how I wore these same boots here and here to get an idea. Once I had put together the top, skirt and boots I still felt like something was missing and when I played around with accessories I came across this chunky necklace I have had for years which felt like the missing puzzle piece to this look. I feel like I have been a dainty necklace kind of girl for so long, but something about chunky or statement gold jewelry has been calling my name recently.

5 Habits that I'm working on, 5 simple habits I'm working on, san diego style influencerpersonalized beaded bracelets, arm candy 2020, bracelet trend in 2020

What I’m wearing: Who What Wear Blouse (sold out, similar here or here) | Black Skirt (sold out, similar here and here) | Black sock ankle booties | Gold-toned chunky necklace (similar here) | Bracelets: Customized stack by Butterfly Social (DM her to order, or inquiries) | Black Round Sunglasses


A modern and chic black and white look, black white and gold outfit

Back to 5 Habits that I’m working on…

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there. This year, spend less time focusing on outcomes and more time focusing on the habits that precede the results” – James Clear

I have said it time and again that I’m a goal-oriented person, I love setting my #goals, but I started noticing that I thought a lot about the end-goal but not as much on the road map to achieving it. I would fall short and not for lack of motivation but by lack of action (something I learned from listening to Atomic Habits). So I’m starting with some simple habits that fall under the umbrella of my big goals and with some of the tactics that I learned from the book I am actively working on them. By actively I mean doing them and tracking them on a habit tracker.

Habit 1: Drink a cup of water before starting the coffee machine. This obviously is not enough to meet my overall goal of over 80 oz of water a day but it’s a start. At the recommendation of this book, I also need to make it easier for myself to develop this habit so I’m leaving water jugs at the places I spend most of my time at: work desk, night stand, home office, kitchen. I know it sounds extreme but it’s all in making it easier for future me to do it!

Habit 2: Moisturizing after washing my face. This is what they call habit stacking. I am tacking on moisturizing to one of my established habits, washing my face. I put my moisturizer next to my face wash so that I wouldn’t forget and it would be super simple to go from one habit to the next. I have also stacked moisturizing my hands to it and so far it has been manageable.

Habit 3: Put food away in its place in the refrigerator. One of the best parts about decluttering and cleaning my fridge is that I gave everything a place in the fridge (i.e. top shelf is milk, creamers and drinks) so when I take something out of the fridge my goal is to return it to it’s spot or throw it out vs. what felt like playing a game a tetris in our old full unorganized fridge!

Habit 4: Preparing my clothes the night before work. You guys, this is by far the hardest one for me because I am exhausted at the end of the day and my brain cells can’t put together the next day’s outfit BUT it helps my mornings out BIG TIME. I will say I’m working up to batch planning my outfits, ideally on Sundays I would love to do laundry then plan out my outfits for the week that way I don’t have to even think about it those tired nights. I will let you know how that goes!

Habit 5: Not looking at my phone before getting ready for work. This is what they call reversing a bad habit and is one that I’ve fallen off the horse several times, so I’m putting it out there to hold myself accountable and to commit to it. It is a bad habit because I need to get out the door and I think “oh I have 5 minutes to look” then I end up responding DM’s, catching up on people’s posts, etc and before I know it it’s been 10 minutes and then I rush to get ready.

San Diego Fashion Blogger 2020, top san diego fashion influencer 2020

And with that, I’d like to hear if there’s a habit you want to adopt! Let me know!

Pictures taken by Tuy of Photography Yours and Mine

Best {Fashionable} Regards,


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  1. January 17, 2020 / 9:42 am

    I absolutely love that blouse. This outfit is really beautiful. I think those habits to work on are definitely admirable! I wish you lots of luck with them moving forward.

    • Paulina
      January 19, 2020 / 10:47 pm

      Thank you so much Shannon!