Birthday Thoughts: How my style has changed…

Today is my birthday and as tradition would have it, I’m here with the annual birthday post! Last year I approached it a bit differently and shared 5 life lessons I have learned so far in my thirties! Prior to writing this post, I went down the rabbit hole of my old birthday posts (if you’re curious you can see this one from 2012, this one from 2013, 2014 and this one from 2017 not knowing I would be pregnant just a few weeks later). I reminisced and it got me to thinking about how my style has changed as I have gotten older. I thought it would be fun to narrow it down to 5 things that have changed most about my style!

The perfect women's birthday party shirt, confetti sleeves, san diego fashion blogger at guild hotel  Birthday celebration at The Guild Hotel San Diego, birthday photo shoot, chic hotels in San Diego

What I’m wearing: This Top! | Jeans


  1. Starting with the obvious, less sequins and less revealing clothing! I’m obvi referring to single me, or even 20-something year old me who really wanted to show off the hard work I had put at the gym (lol) There were lots of tight bandage dresses, lots of sparkly stuff and lots of attention-grabbing clothes. Those days for me are gone, partly because my body has changed after having a baby, but mainly because I know that I can wear something flattering without being revealing, like this dress when I went to Vegas.
  2. Less trendy, more classic! I’m not going to sit here and tell you I have ditched trendy things altogether (hello, currently wearing a knotted headband) but I will say that I am making a conscious decision to steer away from extreme trendy items because I know they’ll be one more thing to declutter down the road. Lately, I have been opting for classic pieces that I know I’ll have in my closet long-term like this blazer or these boots.
  3. Invest in pieces! #2 was a good transition into this. I’ve become a more quality over quantity when it comes to my clothes. I have to admit that I still have a lot of editing to do in my closet but going forward that is top of mind when I shop. My shopping trips have become few and far in between vs a few years back when there were a lot of impulse purchases. These days I’m averaging one luxury purchase a year and I really overthink any purchase over $200! I also am ok with wearing things and being photographed in something more than once, it’s a great way to show how to style a piece different ways!
  4. Choosing comfort more often! I have accepted that I am a working mom on the go, with an active toddler so when styling outfits comfort has become more of a priority (vs the old days when I would suck it up and walk with my feet crunched into a high heel. I need to have outfit choices that are comfortable! I have accepted that flats and sneakers are my friend but try my best to get stylish ones like these Vans, these Converse, or even these flats!
  5. Taming the Whimsy! It wasn’t too long ago that I was still experimenting with the whimsical side of clothing, and while I loved those outfits in the moment they weren’t as realistic, so I’m scaling back on those ultra-feminine looks and leaning more towards the sleek, simpler, more wearable looks.

I hope you enjoyed or even got a good laugh at my little list. For my birthday this year I am taking the day off and doing me- resting, decluttering, blogging. I rarely take an actual day off from work (I didn’t take any during the Holidays other than the ones where the company was closed), so I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. This year and always, I’m GRATEFUL for having my son, husband, family and friends around me, healthy and supportive of me. That overall is the most important thing. I am also thankful and proud of all that I have achieved and have been blessed with thus far. I often think of a younger me, just trying to keep a roof over my head, get my sh-t together, find love, lose and regain hope and go through the struggles. That girl then would have NEVER imagined the blessings that came down my way and the woman I have become. I never for one second not thank God because I know not a lot of people aren’t this lucky. And also, I thank God for my parents, we didn’t have much growing up, but we felt rich with love, protection and that good ol’ Mexican mother discipline (that I wouldn’t trade for the world). As an adult now, how they brought me up is priceless! Ok getting too deep here. Thank you for reading, and see you over on Instagram stories today!

Pictures taken by Tuy of Photography Yours and Mine

Best {Fashionable} Regards,


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1 Comment

  1. January 24, 2020 / 7:51 am

    i am obsessed with that top! thanks for linking it 🙂