Easing into my goals for 2022

Tap tap, is this thing on? Yes, I’m still here and easing my way into 2022! Traditionally, I have started each year with my personal and blogging goals (see my 2021 ones here, 2020). After reading this book “From to do, to done” I decided to set my goals this year using the SMART framework (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) so that I can stay on course and know where I’m at with each goal. I noticed that over the years I tend to set goals like “be healthier” which leaves me unmotivated because it’s not something I can track and check off. So this year I set some VERY specific ones around health & fitness, relationships & spirit, finance, career, blog and miscellaneous. I’m not going to share them here because it’s A LOT, but I do want to share the common theme around it.

This year my theme is “how Paulina got her groove back” because last year was a rollercoaster and I feel like I lost myself mentally and physically. I’m pretty sure we have all been left with trauma after these past couple of years, and for me it was the pandemic mess PLUS postpartum hormones and the newborn baby fog exhaustion that left me being a shell of myself for most of the year. Towards the end, with Miss Capri letting us sleep a bit more and me finally talking to a therapist, I started to see glimmers of myself again and became motivated to find myself again.

my blogging goals for 2022

what I’m wearing: cabi Heritage Coat, SPANX leggings, these Chelsea boots

Some goals for this blog:

  • Bring back more style posts. I feel like as a working from home mom of two who is typically in a messy bun and work out clothes, I lost my sense of style, but I want to make an effort to dress up more and also have a sleeker sense of style. I will be bringing you along my latest wishlist to achieve this new vibe I’m going for! I am also aiming to steering my main instagram account lilbitsofpau back to personal style like outfit ideas.
  • Consistency. I aim to bring you at least one new blog post per week!
  • Decluttering vertical. One of the goals in my personal life is decluttering and simplifying my life, that is why I decided to document it on a new instagram account, join me over on GettingPauOrganized on Instagram and Tik Tok as I declutter my way through my home!

And with that, I’m excited to dive into 2022!! Thank you for reading!