Baby Essentials from Target!

Ever since baby Capri was born I practically live in the Target Baby section picking up the essentials (diapers, wipes, boogie suckers), any innovative products that make life with a baby easier (I’ll get to those in a sec), and of course the bonus cute items that I see along the way. I love Target because it’s so convenient and they practically have everything I need for Capri (if not in store, online). And the best part is that aside from their already great prices they have cool sales like this month’s Target Baby Month Deals!

What is Target Baby Month Deals?

They have new deals for baby each week, the whole month! Savings on the must-have items like diapers and wipes PLUS baby gear, nursery furniture and more!

Capri officially turned 6 months and with every month comes new set of milestones! This month we started solids after her only feeding on breastmilk and formula. To make feeding easier, I took advantage of the Target Baby Month deal on this Fisher-Price SpaceSaver High Chair that transitions with the baby as she grows!

Target baby month deals, Fischer-price high chair, Latina mommyHigh chair review, Baby essentials from Target, Baby feeding essentials Target baby products, Target style dress, baby high chair


Fischer Price high chair, Target baby month products, high chair review

Here I have it in the upright position, but it also reclines and also becomes a booster seat as she gets older. I liked this high chair in particular because it mounts on one of our dining chairs (also from Target) so she can be next to us when we are eating, and also has this wrap around tray where she can snack on, eat and be messy if she wants too! As part of Baby Month select Fischer Price products are 20% off this week, ends 9/11!

Other Baby Essentials I love from Target

Baby Essentials From Target, owlet baby monitor, Fischer price swing


  • These Munchkin Bowls – microwave safe and BPA free. I used these and still use this with my 3 year old. I love the grip at the bottom for when they start learning how to eat on their own the plate won’t slide and fall or break!
  • These Munchkin Soft Spoons – These  soft spoons are perfect for feeding these little babies because they are soft on their gums.
  • Owlet® Smart Sock Wearable Baby Monitor – As part of Target Baby Month Deals, Save $75 with purchase of Owlet Smartsock this week, until 9/11! I have talked about this product before, and I understand this is a higher ticket item, but the peace of mind that it gave us was worth it. Julian and Capri both wore this sock at all times (they wore it until they were 6 months) and it measures heart rate, oxygen level and sleep patterns. It allowed us to sleep knowing that they were being monitored and also keeping track of their sleep (so I can analyze it in the morning).
  • Fischer-Price 4-in-1 Sling N Seat Tub – We have used this tub with Julian and we just started this one with Capri with the support seat in it now that she sits on her own. This tub transitions from the infant stage to the toddler stage and comes with these accessories that we also still use to bathe baby.
  • Fischer-Price Cradle N Swing – There are so many swing options, but the one that worked for Julian and Capri was this one. The top part has the rotating birds with a mirror which would captivate them, then the swinging would put him to sleep. Capri JUST outgrew it and I was such a bummer because I would put her on this swing in the mornings while I made myself my morning coffee (hee hee).

Take advantage of Target Baby Month Deals now! And let me know if you have any questions!

Best {Fashionable} Regards,


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*Thank you to Target for partnering with me on this post!

1 Comment

  1. September 5, 2021 / 8:34 am

    These pictures are so sweet! What a lovely post <3