Newborn Essentials – Part 1

I am officially 34 weeks today, with about 6 weeks left it dawned on me that I should probably start preparing for baby girl’s arrival starting with the newborn essentials that I had saved from when Julian was a newborn. I shared a little bit on my insta stories and got a few questions so I decided to put together this blog post so that I could go more in depth as to why I consider each of these newborn essentials. I consider this part one because I also want to do an essentials for breastfeeding and any others that may be of some help for any first time moms out there!

Newborn essentials on a dockatot

Newborn Baby Essentials


  1. Halo Swivel Sleeper Bassinet – I used this bassinet with Julian and I love that I can see the baby through the mesh side panels while also hovering a bit onto our bed giving the feeling of being next to me in a safe manner. This bassinet is used until the baby learns to flip over, at that point we will move her to the crib.
  2. Wipe Warmer – I had been told I didn’t need one but I ended up ordering it after Julian was born and I realized that the shock of the cold wipe would make him cry to where he sounded like a sheep, especially in the middle of the night! After getting this wipe warmer (which also glows in the dark) he wouldn’t notice the warm wipe as much and changing his diaper became SO much better! I don’t know if it’s a winter baby thing but at less than $30, it doesn’t hurt to have one on hand!
  3. DOCKATOT – During the day baby takes LOTS of naps or will do a lot of lounging during their stationary days so the DOCKATOT was essential in being able to bring baby into the living room or whatever room I was in and still being able to keep an eye on him.
  4. Owlet® Smart Sock Wearable Baby Monitor – I understand this is a higher ticket item, but the peace of mind that it gave us was worth it. Julian would wear this sock at all times (he wore it until he was like 6-7 months) and it measured his heart rate, oxygen level and sleep patterns. If he didn’t have this I would probably just stay up watching him making sure he was breathing (like I did at the hospital). With him wearing this it allowed us to sleep knowing that he was being monitored. If anything was out of whack it would make the loudest sound and the dock would turn red, which it did once as a false alarm (thankfully).
  5. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow – I loved this nursing pillow because every time Julian was ready to be fed I would buckle the pillow up and lay him on it. It has a little cushion for the baby’s head whether you are feeding baby on the left or right breast. It also has a pocket so I would usually put my phone in there.
  6. Fisher Price Cradle n Swing – There are so many swing options, but the one that worked for Julian was this one. The top part has the rotating birds with a mirror which would captivate him, then the swinging would put him to sleep.

Other noteworthy items:

Onesies with the zipper going from down to up (like this one), or zipper on both ends – that way when you change the baby you don’t have to unzip the whole thing. Someone recently told me about magnetic onesies so I will be trying those with baby girl!

Baby monitor – We used this monitor with Julian as a baby and still use it with him as a toddler in his own room. We ended up getting an additional camera to capture multiple angles in his room.

And with that, feel free to recommend any items that you think are a must OR let me know if you have any questions!