Life Update: I’m pregnant and it’s a…

I cannot believe it’s been over 5 months since my last blog post, but what had happened was… I got pregnant and then my first trimester was rough, riddled with morning (all day) sickness and fatigue. Because the symptoms were so similar to when I was pregnant with Julian I for sure thought I was having another boy, but to our surprise baby number 2 is a GIRL!

Life Update: I'm pregnant, it's a girl, pregnant blogger

P.S. The pink onesie I’m holding is the one I wore as baby to come home from the hospital. My mom had kept it all this time.

How I am feeling…

Just like with my first pregnancy, the pregnancy symptoms kicked my butt right at week 6 and started fading away just a few weeks ago around week 22. Gosh it was awful when I was in the thick of it, but above all the important thing is that baby girl is ok! Unlike the first pregnancy I had to live all of this through the current pandemic and quarantine which at first wasn’t a big deal. It had served to my advantage because I was able to work from home and since I was a hot mess I would work from bed, between running to the bathroom (yikes!). My husband was also working from home and took care of our now 3 year old Julian who we have kept at home from daycare. Once I felt better and my husband returned to work, I started watching Julian, while working and being pregnant. It’s extremely tough, and I know I am not alone in this as all the other parents have to navigate the current situation. And although it is tough, it’s a blessing to be able to spend one on one time with Julian before baby girl gets here. To be honest though, between feeling like crap all the time and being locked up at home, it started to take its toll on me mentally, but lately I have found that if I just focus on one day at a time I feel better, plus I have to stay strong in protecting my babies and family from the ‘rona!

Why have I stopped creating content…

All of this brings me to why I’ve been gone from the blog, social media and content creation. As a stay at home working mom + pregnant I had to let go of blogging and keeping up on social media, for now. I think back to pre-pandemic, pre-pregnancy and I would go to work and Julian would go to daycare and how our routine was such a well oiled machine. When we would put Julian to bed each night I would go into my home office and work on my blog and social media. My creative brain was so used to turning on at night time to the point that I would push my bedtime because I was in such a zone. Now when Julian goes to sleep, I go to sleep because I’m tired and usually struggling with heartburn (hello third trimester symptoms). In other words, I am not my over productive self that I was so proud of being and I have accepted that I won’t be her until after baby girl is born and the pandemic era gets better. I also am not good at faking anything, how I feel is what you get, when I’m feeling good I’ll jump on stories, when I’m not I am just trying to get by!

Baby number 2 pregnancy announcement, I'm pregnant

“Choo Choo, here comes baby number two!”

Thank you all for the congratulatory messages on Instagram! If I post anything it will be there so make sure to stop by and say hi here!

1 Comment

  1. November 22, 2020 / 1:59 pm

    Congratulations on your baby girl! Thank you for sharing this honest post, it is refreshing to read as lately many creators just keep pushing a lot of content that seems a bit tone deaf, to be honest. You do you and everything will fall into place. Your family and health is the priority. Take care and be safe!